Ezra Miller Accuser Who Said ‘The Flash’ Star Groomed His Daughter Has Dropped Petition/Filing

Since The Flash bombed, star Ezra Miller has kept a low profile and seemingly moved on from Hollywood and scandals. Oddly enough, the actor isn’t the only one.

Chase Iron Eyes, who accused Miller of grooming and brainwashing his daughter Tokata from the time she was 12, has withdrawn court filings against the actor.
“When you live your life under a public (tribal and non tribal) microscope of critique sometimes it seems it’s only the critique that makes its way through,” the activist and attorney wrote in an Instagram post. “I want to offer this on the drama 3 years ago when I filed a petition and claimed that Ezra appeared to have ‘groomed’ Tokata.”
Iron Eyes says he based his filing and concerns on faulty testimony. His post continued, “I made that statement in my pleading (in a time of absolute war) based on information from a witness who then recanted and said nothing happened that they could infer anything inappropriate from. Thus, I immediately withdrew the court filings.”
Now, he supports his daughter and her connection with Miller. The actor and Tokata Iron Eyes perform together in a band called Hundred in the Hand. “I don’t feel like I owe an explanation but after we hosted a party in Santa Fe we received some feedback,” said Chase Iron Eyes.

“Now, we are doing our level best to move on, to reconcile, to heal while remaining supportive as a father; as long as Tokata’s good we’re good,” he added. “These are real people, living real lives and once you’re in that fire where there is no anonymity, there is no safe space for you to retreat. That’s a strange place and it’s not enviable. It takes a lot to enter the fray again.”
In court documents filed in Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Court, Chase Iron Eyes and his wife Sara Jumping Eagle claimed Miller had been manipulating and corrupting their daughter since they met in 2016 when Tokata Iron Eyes was a preteen. Miller was suspected of taking a liking to the young Iron Eyes and displaying cult-like behavior.

Tokata Iron Eyes countered these claims on social media in a statement accusing her parents of manipulation. “I am now aware of the severity of emotional and psychological manipulation I was made to endure while in my parents home,” she said in part via People, “I am an adult and I deserve to feel authority in my own body.”
The former DCEU player triggered more controversy after being arrested in several cities for assault, harassment, theft, and erratic conduct. Bodycam footage of one arrest in Hawaii showing Miller taunting officers went viral in 2022.
Miller was also caught on video chokeslamming a woman to the ground at an Icelandic establishment two years prior. The actor suffered no consequences from Warner Bros. for any of the incidents and was allowed to continue as The Flash while his Fantastic Beasts co-star Johnny Depp was fired based on disputed allegations.
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