New Star Wars Rumor Provides More Details On Brewing Civil War In Lucasfilm Centered Around Baby Yoda and The Mandalorian!

A new rumor provides details on the brewing civil war within Lucasfilm and claim that it primarily centers around The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda.

The rumor comes from YouTuber Doomcock who begins by stating, “To start with let’s examine some new allegations about how The Mandalorian came about and how this either created or worsened the rift between Kathleen Kennedy and Jon Favreau.”

Doomcock then goes on to claim that following Solo: A Star Wars Story’s box office bomb that Disney CEO at the time Bob Iger put the brakes on future Star Wars Story films that were in development like the Obi-Wan Kenobi film and the Boba Fett film.

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However, Doomcock claims that they did not abandon the concepts from these films, but instead decided to adapt them into their Disney Plus series.

Doomcock explains, “The Mandalorian rose from the ashes of the Boba Fett movie conceptually and in terms of look and feel. All hands were called on deck to assist in the creation of The Mandalorian.”

He then goes on to explain that the people brought in to consult on The Mandalorian included George Lucas as well as Kathleen Kennedy.

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Baby Yoda At The Center of Controversy

As for Kennedy’s role in The Mandalorian, Doomcock states, “I am informed it was Kathleen Kennedy’s idea that The Mandalorian should be protecting a child. Not a bad idea. It hearkens back to lone wolf and cub. It’s a proven and effective formula. And indeed it has been successful.”

Related: Former Walt Disney World Vice President Claims Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy Killed Tatooine-Themed Star Wars Land

Doomcock also details that it was Jon Favreau’s idea that the baby be a baby Yoda.

This is where as Doomcock says “the alleged grudge between Kennedy and Favreau began in earnest.”

He elaborates, “My sources claim that in Kathleen Kennedy’s mind Baby Yoda was her idea and she feels slighted that she didn’t properly receive credit for the creation of Baby Yoda.”

He continues, “Aside from feeling cheated out of her fair credit, according to my source, Kennedy was very unhappy with how the whole thing was implemented. Kennedy reportedly wanted so-called Baby Yoda to be Baby Yodette. In short she wanted the baby to be female not male.”

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“Furthermore Kennedy wanted a female director for the pilot and in defiance of that Jon Favreau brought in Dave Filoni to direct disregarding her wishes again. At that point, according to my source, the battle lines were drawn,” Doomcock adds.

The Mandalorian Season 3

Doomcock then details that tensions escalated after Kennedy had a meeting with Bob Iger discussing the plans for The Mandalorian Season 3.

Doomcock explains, “In the course of that conversation Kathleen Kennedy learned that Favreau, Filoni, and George Lucas himself were already working on a script. To say that this did not go over well was an understatement.”

He continues, “Indeed I am told that  Kennedy lost it, saying in effect, “I will have it my way or I will burn this silly nonsense to the ground.”

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Doomcock then goes on to speculate that Leslye Headland’s female centric Star Wars series is her retaliation against her being allegedly marginalized when its comes to The Mandalorian.

He then details that his source tells him, “It is civil war at Lucasfilm.”

“While the sides have reportedly boiled down to Jon and Dave versus Kathleen Kennedy in the past, it seems a new player has entered the great game as George Lucas himself has gotten involved,” Doomcock elaborates.

Doomcock concludes his video noting that his source informed him that James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader was seen at Skywalker Ranch.

He explains, “Interestingly however, my source informs me that yesterday that James Earl Jones himself was spotted at Skywalker Ranch. Was he there to record some lines for Vader? Or to discuss a future project involving Vader?”

Previous Rumors About Civil War At Lucasfilm

These latest rumors from Doomcock follow rumors from WDW Pro who detailed that there was a civil war happening within Lucasfilm.

Related: Rumor: Civil War Brewing Inside Lucasfilm For Control Over Star Wars

WDW Pro explained the battle was between Kennedy and Favreau over control of the direction with Star Wars.

“The ongoing battle over Lucasfilm’s direction continues, with Kathleen Kennedy and Jon Favreau factions fighting over the studio. It’s fairly well known at this point that the beef between Kennedy and Iger is real, given that Iger essentially ignored her in his memoirs.”

While WDW Pro also pointed out the players, they also believed that Kennedy had positioned herself to survive despite numerous failures with Star Wars.

“With all that said, Kennedy has essentially gotten her way time after time, outplaying Iger even if she has been hammered by segments of the fans, mostly by hiring and developing strong loyalty within her brand.”

What do you make of this latest rumor from Doomcock? Do you think there could be a new hope for Star Wars?

John was the Editor-in-Chief at Bounding Into Comics. He is a massive Washington Capitals fan, lover of history, and ... More about John F. Trent
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