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August 15, 2019
Marvel reveals covers for second issues of the Dawn of X titles set to debut this Fall. Also, a new Deadpool title is announced with a new writer.
August 15, 2019
Marvel Writer Jonathan Hickman rips apart another classic X-Men concept in the summer event Powers of X #2. And it might blow your mind.
August 14, 2019
Souring relations with Warner Bros. and talks with Marvel could mean a Henry Cavill-Dwayne Johnson exodus to the competition and MCU Phase 5.
August 13, 2019
Marvel Comics announced they hired Zoe Quinn to write a Hellcat story in their four-issue anthology series titled Fearless.
August 9, 2019
Jonathan Hickman was bound to stir things up for the X-Men but who would have thought it’d center around Moira MacTaggert of all people?
August 8, 2019
The X-Men have always had to contend with the Sentinels. If you’re reading Powers of X, or House of X, its time you brush up on your Sentinel lore!
August 8, 2019
Marvel Comics continues to embrace stupidity and their latest move is a radical change to Frank Castle and The Punisher’s origins in their recent issue of Savage Avengers.
August 7, 2019
ABC and Marvel are in talks to bring a mostly brand new female superhero to the broadcast network.
August 5, 2019
With 6 ongoing X-Men team books on the way, is there enough panel time to go around? Here are 10 X-Men that need some love going into Dawn of X.
August 2, 2019
I’m not going to lie to you. Nothing about Marvel Comics and Jonathan Hickman’s Powers of X #1 is light. There’s a lot to go through and the first issue creates more questions than it answers.