‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Mocks Johns Hopkins University’s Definition Of Lesbian As “Non-Man,” University Removes Entire LGBTQ Glossary

J.K. Rowling speaks with Stephen Fry for the BBC One Special 'Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History' (2022)

J.K. Rowling speaks with Stephen Fry for the BBC One Special 'Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History' (2022)

Harry Potter novelist J.K. Rowling took to Twitter to mock Johns Hopkins University’s new definition of lesbian that describes individuals as “non-man.”

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For the past three years, Harry Potter author and feminist activist J.K. Rowling warned transgender activists are attempting to erase women. Around the three year anniversary marking the start of her feminist crusade, the Harry Potter author has revealed activist efforts have borne fruit at one of the world’s top ranking university’s Johns Hopkins.

Rowling shared to Twitter that the university’s LGBTQ Glossary defined a Lesbian as a “non-man attracted to non-men. While past definitions refer to ‘lesbian’ as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label.”

While describing a lesbian as a “non-man,” the university described gay man as “a man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionally, or relationally attracted to other men, or who identifies as a member of the gay community.”

The university added, “At times, ‘gay’ is used to refer to all people, regardless of gender, who have their primary sexual and or romantic attractions to people of the same gender. ‘Gay’ is an adjective (not a noun) as in ‘He is a gay man.'”

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Rowling reacted to this new definition tweeting, “Man: no definition needed. Non-man (formerly known as woman): a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there’s no man-ness.”

Following Rowling’s tweet, Johns Hopkins University has removed the definition from their LGBTQ Glossary page.

Instead, a message reads, “Johns Hopkins strives to create a campus culture that is inclusive and welcoming for all gender identities, sexual orientations, experiences and viewpoints, and we are committed to ensuring Johns Hopkins is a place where LGBTQ people feel supported.”

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“The LGBTQ Glossary serves as an introduction to the range of identities and terms that are used within LGBTQ communities, and is not intended to serve as the definitive answers as to how all people understand or use these terms,” the university continued.

“Upon becoming aware of the language in question, we have begun working to determine the origin and context of the glossary’s definitions. We have removed the page from our website while we gather more information,” they noted.

What do you make of Johns Hopkins University changing the definition of a lesbian to a non-man to include people who call themselves “non-binary?”

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