Marvel’s Avengers to Feature Individually Priced, Character Specific Season Passes for DLC Heroes

Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix’s upcoming Marvel’s Avengers title is set to feature individually priced, character-specific season passes for its post-launch DLC characters.

Marvel’s Avengers to Feature Individually Priced, Character Specific Season Passes for DLC Heroes

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In video games, a ‘season pass’ is a one-time microtransaction that grants a player guaranteed access to future downloadable content. It is usually at a slightly discounted price compared to what a player would pay to download the content separately.

Alternatively, season passes in titles such as Call of Duty: Warzone and Fall Guys allow players who purchase them to unlock in-game items, upgrades, and cosmetics as they naturally progress through the game.

Marvel’s Avengers takes these systems a step further with the introduction of season passes for individual heroes. This will be known in-game as Hero Challenge Cards.

According to a recent blog post from the Marvel’s Avengers team, “Hero Challenge Cards allow players to earn Resources, Units, Credits, and Cosmetics for completing in-game challenges”.

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“Each Hero Challenge Card has 40 tiers of free and premium rewards” which will be “earned via Challenge Points by completing daily and weekly challenges.”

Rewards for tier-progression range from in-game materials and currency to unique emotes and costumes for each respective hero.

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While Crystal Dynamics has “activated the premium Hero Challenge Card rewards for all 6 starting heroes at launch,” additional Hero Challenge Cards for the game’s DLC roster will cost players 1,000 credits, or $10 USD, each.

However, players who purchase a given Hero Challenge Card will be able to “earn back your 1,000 Credit activation cost” if they complete all of a Card’s featured challenges.

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The development team also stressed that passes would “not rotate and won’t be retired” and that any earned rewards would “not provide a gameplay advantage”.

What do you think about this new take on the season pass in video games? Is Marvel’s Avengers a sensable step?

Marvel’s Avengers launches on September 4th for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC platforms.

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