YouTuber NoahJ456 Goes On Wild Lecture During Hogwarts Legacy Stream Claiming Telling Lies About Men Becoming Women And Women Becoming Men Is A “Human Right”

Hogwarts Legacy (2022), Warner Bros. Games

Popular YouTuber NoahJ456, who has over 5 million subscribers, recently claimed that telling lies about men becoming women and women becoming is somehow a “human right.”

The player casts a magical shield to protect them from a dark wizard via Hogwarts Legacy (2022), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

The YouTuber shared a clip of a recent livestream of him playing Hogwarts Legacy, where he claims to have encountered a man pretending to be a woman in the game.

After allegedly seeing “a ton of vile hatred” he decided to lecture his viewers on what he describes as a “rant.”

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The YouTuber posted to Twitter writing, “I went on this rant when I saw a ton of vile hatred in my chat after meeting a transgender woman in Hogwarts Legacy.”

He added, “Transgender rights and representation are human rights and representation. PERIOD.”

In the video, which is less of a rant and more a conglomeration of numerous cuts, the YouTuber states, “It blows my mind that people just can’t see human beings as human beings and like let people just live the way they want to live.”

He continues, “To sit here and to say, ‘Play the game. I cam here to play a game not to be political.’ If you think other people living their lives the way they want to live them and me wanting people to understand that they are people to. If you think that’s political that is a very thin veil.”

The player character talks to a concerned Natsai Onai via Hogwarts Legacy (2022), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

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“And hey, everyone can change,” he went on. “Just because maybe you were transphobic in the past doesn’t mean you have to be transphobic in the future. Everyone can change. That’s literally like a staple of being human. That’s one of the most beautiful things about being human. You can be raised one way, think one way your entire life, and you can change.”

And if you say, ‘They are putting it in the game and everything like that.’ Like, guess what? Trans people exist in real life just like cisgender people do in real life. You having a problem with a trans person being in the game, but not having a problem, and it’s just normal gameplay for the rest of the game, but that bothers you, that’s you having a problem. That’s not the game having a problem or the game being political.”

Deputy Headmistress Professor Matilda Weasley places the Sorting Hat on the player character's head via Hogwarts Legacy (2022), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Interestingly NoahJ456 then notes his immoral political statements and embrace of obvious falsehoods and lies are actually losing him subscribers, “Every time I bring it up, it makes me lose viewers. It makes me lose subscribers because people don’t think it’s okay to take a couple of seconds and talk about equality and human rights.”

“If that’s a problem with you then, and you can’t watch me anymore because of that. That’s fine. I just hope a little bit. If I even changed one person’s mind in the chat right now it was worth it,” he concluded.

In a subsequent tweet, he added, “The next few streams I do of this game will be sponsored. I am promising every cent of the money to LGBTQIA+ and transgender rights charities.”

“This isn’t a conversation about me. I will do my best to support those who’s voices should be loudest,” he asserted.

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While NoahJ456 attempts to lecture his viewers on morality, it’s clear he doesn’t have any ground to stand on. 

Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington in his letter “A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology” outlines the Church’s teaching on the human person and human sexuality rests on three principles knowable via reason.

He explains, “First, the human person is an ’embodied soul,’ the composite of the spiritual and physical. The human soul is created to animate one particular body. To be a human person means to be a unity of body and soul from the moment of conception.”

“Thus, the body reveals not only the soul, but the person; the person, as a unity of body and soul, acts through the body. Thus, each person’s body, given by God from the moment of conception, is neither foreign nor a burden, but an integral part of the person,” he continues.

Next, Bishop Burbidge relays, “Second, and in keeping with the authoritative witness of Scripture (cf. Gen 1:27), the human person is created male or female. The human soul is created to animate and be embodied by one particular, specifically male or female, body.”

“A person’s sex is an immutable biological reality, determined at conception,” His Excellency writes. “The sexed body reveals God’s design not only for each individual person, but also for all human beings, by ‘establishing us in a relationship with other living beings.'”

He does note, “It is important to note that there may be a variety of ways in which a person may express his or her sexual identity as male or female, according to the norms and practices of a particular time or culture. Moreover, a person may have atypical interests, but this does not change the person’s sexual identity as either male or female.”

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Thirdly he writes, “Third, the differences between man and woman are ordered towards their complementary union in marriage. Indeed, the differences between man and woman, male and female, are unintelligible apart from such a union.”

He adds, “Sexual difference is at the heart of family life. Children need, and have a right to, a father and a mother.”

On top of this clear instruction being knowable through reason, which NoahJ456 clearly rejects by claiming that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man, Bishop Burbidge notes, “The faithful should avoid using “gender-affirming” terms or pronouns that convey approval of or reinforce the person’s rejection of the truth. It is not harsh or judgmental to decline to use such language.”

“In the broader culture, Catholics may experience significant pressure to adopt culturally-approved terminology,” Bishop Burbidge observes. “However, in no circumstances should anyone be compelled to use language contrary to the truth. The right to speak the truth inheres in the human person and cannot be taken away by any human institution.”

“Attempts by the state, corporations, or employers to compel such language, particularly by threats of legal action or job loss, are unjust,” he declares. “We must love in the truth, and truth must be accurately conveyed by our words. At the same time, clarity must always be at the service of charity, as part of a broader desire to move people towards the fulness of the truth.”

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It’s obvious that supporting the lie of transgender ideology that men can become women and women can become men is not a human right given the lie itself rejects the underlying principles of the human person.

Aside from NoahJ456’s clearly immoral position, his suggestion that to let people live the way they want to is highly ironic given he’s talking about an alleged fictional character that’s sole purpose it to try propagandize a lifestyle of sin to players.

Poppy Sweeting is fascinated by a freshly hatched fantastic beast, while the player character struggles to share the sentiment via Hogwarts Legacy

And to that point, the libertarian ideology of just allowing people to live the way they want to live is also an obvious lie and is exposed through NoahJ456’s own comments as he concludes by claiming he hopes to at least change one person’s mind so they will live in accordance to how he wants them to live.

However, he’s upset that his viewers might take the opposite view and attempt to get him to change his view. Why isn’t he applying this same principle to his viewers that he espouses if he truly believes it. 

The player casts Avada Kedavra while wearing the Dark Arts Cosmetic Set via Hogwarts Legacy (2022), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

To that end, the Catechism of the Catholic Church also notes that it has a missionary mandate to evangelize the Gospel to all men. Paragraph 849 reads, “‘Having been divinely sent to the nations that she might be ‘the universal sacrament of salvation,’ the Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men’: ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, until the close of the age.'”

Christians thus have a mandate from God to evangelize. The libertarian idea of allowing people to live in their sin is antithetical to this teaching, which is borne out of love.

What do you make of NoahJ456’s lecture to his own viewers?

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