B. Clay Moore Leads Gang Of Comic Book Professionals In Targeting Bounding Into Comics

Image Comics writer B. Clay Moore, known for his Hawaiian Dick series, led a group of comic book professionals in targeting Bounding Into Comics.

Moore took to Twitter calling on comic book publishers to remove Bounding Into Comics from publisher’s press release lists.

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

He wrote, “Heads-up: Comicsgate propaganda site Bounding Into Comics has attacked comic pros for opposing racism and fascism.”

He then added, “PUBLISHERS…if Bounding Into Comics is in your PR list, remove them. They routinely invent stories attacking pros who oppose racism and harassment.” (Archive link: http://archive.is/x5Uqs)

Before targeting Bounding Into Comics, Moore would appear to show support for Antifa sharing an image that reads Art Against Bigotry and Fascism using the Antifa color scheme and symbolism.

President Donald Trump declared that the United States government would soon classify Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.

Attorney General Bill Barr also declared that violence carried out by Antifa during the ongoing riots is domestic terrorism. He stated, “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly.”

Moore’s targeting of Bounding Into Comics would be echoed by numerous other comic book professionals including fellow comic book writer John Layman.

Layman wrote, “I think the guy who runs it is also some weirdo anime pillow f***er.”

Related: Comic Book Writer B. Clay Moore Claims No One Threatened Diversity & Comics – He’s Instantly Exposed!

Moore would respond writing, “He’s dumber than his anime pillow girlfriend, anyway. He once wrote a piece accusing me of violating Baltimore assault laws because of comments I made about a con in New York. That I didn’t attend.”

Moore previously threatened to attempt to goad fellow comic book writer Richard C. Meyer into a physical confrontation as YouTuber Just Some Guy noted back in May 2018.

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

Moore would also be joined by former Marvel Comics and DC Comics writer Sean Kelley McKeever. McKeever wrote, “Guess they can’t call themselves Breitbart into Comics.”

Former Vertigo Comics writer Rob Sheridan would also join Moore’s cause. He wrote, “The only good thing that ever came out of BiC:”

Related: Vertigo Comics Writer Rob Sheridan Viciously Attacks Trump Supporters

He then shared a separate tweet from 2019 with a photo of our headline emblazoned on a pillow.

DC Comics artist Aaron Campbell wrote, “Bounding into comics – the Breitbart of the comics industry.”

Former Bleeding Cool writer Joe Glass would write, “I mean, no one should have anything to do with Bounding into Comics anyway, they’re directly linked to Comicsgate, and come for women, POC and queer creators since the start.”

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

Andrew Farago, the curator of the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco wrote, “Bounding Into Comics is like Breitbart but without any pretense of journalism. Complete garbage fire of a website.”

Other comic book professionals would simply retweet Moore’s call to have Bounding Into Comics dropped from publishers’ press lists.

Related: Batman: White Knight Creator Sean Gordon Murphy Dragged On Twitter For Calling For End To Looting

They include current Marvel Comics writer Zac Thompson, who recently attempted to shame Batman: White Knight creator Sean Gordon Murphy after he called for an end to looting.

Image Comics founder Erik Larsen would also retweet Moore’s message. He recently defended Antifa.

Related: Image Comics Founder Erik Larsen Defends Antifa

Former Comicosity writer Veronique Emma Houxbois also joined in the chorus. She previously called for a boycott against Image Comics and demanded that Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson resign after publishing Howard Chaykin’s Divided States of America.

Related: CBR Writer Wants Howard Chaykin Fired

Writer G.E. Gallas, who is currently crowdfunding The Plague & Doctor Caim, also echoed Moore’s message.

Former DC Comics artist Jamal Igle also retweeted Moore’s call to have publishers remove Bounding Into Comics from press lists.

Artist Tony Parker who adapted God of War into comic book form also retweeted Moore.

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

Andrew Duncan the editor of Game Grin also joined in.

Artist Ben Bishop who has done quite a number of covers for IDW for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles also retweeted Moore.

Valerio Schiti, who also recently appeared to support Antifa, retweeted Moore’s call to have publishers remove us from their press lists.

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Image Comics writer Rick Remender also shared Moore’s message. Remender previously detailed that he wanted Donald Trump supporters to stop purchasing his work.

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

Moore’s post would also be “liked” by Marvel Comics artist Leinil Yu and former Valiant Comics Sales Manager Alex Rae.

Despite the numerous comic book professionals and so-called comic book journalists supporting Moore and his statements, Bounding Into Comics will not stand down.

Related: Facebook Responds to Bounding Into Comics 250k+ Fan Page Being Deleted and Restored

This isn’t the first time Bounding Into Comics has been targeted with this kind of cancel culture attack and it won’t be last. Facebook deleted our page last May. After exposing their actions the page was restored.

Related: Michelle Perez Wants to Silence Us – It Won’t Work

Image Comics writer Michelle Perez attempted to silence us in July 2018 using a similar tactic to Moore, calling on publishers to remove Bounding Into Comics from their press lists. It didn’t work. We are still here.

Related: Bounding into Comics Becomes The Latest Target of Industry Professionals

Comic book professionals would try again in October 2018 with Tamra Bonvillain, Dee Cunniffe, and Matt Miner leading the charge encouraging their followers to unfollow and block us. It didn’t work. We are still here, and we have more readers than ever.

More recently a Twitter activist attempted to get his followers to mass report us to Twitter after Bounding Into Comics reported on his comments regarding Orcs and Dungeons & Dragons. His call to mass report us failed. Our Twitter following is as big and as active as it has ever been.

Support Bounding Into Comics In Standing Against Comic Book Professionals And The Access Media Who Routinely Deride And Attack Fans

Bounding Into Comics does not plan on going anywhere. We will not cave to these comic book professionals looking for a scalp. They will not get one.

We will stand against them as they attack, deride, and insult fans. We will stand against them as they destroy what used to be well-loved brands. We will stand against them as they defend Antifa. We will stand against them as they encourage violent looting and rioting.

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