Opinion: DC Comics Promotes Homosexuality To Kids With Midnighter And Apollo: “Let The Whole World Know–The Bigots, The Cowards, And The Kids Who Need It…”

Apollo and Midnighter via DC Twitter

Apollo and Midnighter via DC Twitter

DC Comics made it clear they are promoting homosexuality to children in their DC Pride 2023 #1 issue and for those who did not read they blasted it on Twitter.

The official DC Twitter account shared a quote from the recent issue that sees Midnighter tell Apollo, “Let the whole world know — the bigots, the cowards, and the kids who need it… Show them that our love is real. Show them that it’s powerful. We’ll never back down, and we’re not afraid of fighting back.”

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In the comic, written by Josh Trujillo with artwork by Don Aguillo, Midnighter and Apollo are taking part in a pride parade. At one point, Midnighter appears to be indoctrinating a young girl in either middle school or high school with LGBTQ+ propaganda albeit it’s unclear which version.

Later on when Midnighter appears to want to beat up a number of people rightfully and justly calling out the LGBTQ+ movement for their promotion of sin and disordered lifestyles, Apollo warns him, There are kids here. We can’t let any of them get hurt.” Apollo is crouched down next to a small girl waving a rainbow streamer.

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Alan Scott, who DC retconned into a gay man, arrives on the scene and instructs Apollo and Midnighter not to attack those justly condemning their lifestyles. He says, “The bigots can try to take whatever they want, but there will always be those willing to stand up to injustice. We’re more than costumed mystery men–we’re symbols! The bravest thing you can do is to live without fear.”

In response to this advice Midnighter somehow taps into every single live feed around the world to broadcast the sinful “marriage” between him and Apollo.

He then explains to Apollo, “Let the whole world know — the bigots, the cowards, and the kids who need it… Show them that our love is real. Show them that it’s powerful.”

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This comic is the perfect example of modern woke ideology attempting to invert what is right and good and call it evil while claiming that sin and evil is right and good.

The sin of the Sodomites is one of the “sins that cry out to heaven” according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It also teaches, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

Interestingly, DC is paying someone to hide numerous replies that make it clear this type of behavior is not acceptable and should not be promoted in society.

Some of the hidden replies include: “Yuck! This isn’t the DC I know.”

“Go Woke !! Go broke !!”

“Eat it!! Eat our agenda!!”

“Leave the kids alone.”

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Ironically, this post and the promotion of this comic book comes in the same week where DC Studios CEO James Gunn admitted he would be unhappy writing comic books because so few people read them.

He told Michael Rosenbaum, “I started out I wanted to write comic books when I was younger. If I was writing comic books today I’d probably be — I’d probably be unhappy because so few people are reading comic books.”

“But I would probably be really happy with what my job was. I’d enjoy that storytelling process,” he said. “So that’s what’s important to me.”

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This promotion also comes as Warner Bros. Discovery, DC Comics’ parent company, is openly promoting an upcoming film festival in Los Angeles that is targeting children with drag queens as well as films promoting gender ideology and sexual orientation ideology.

It also arrives a week after another Warner Bros. Discovery subsidiary, Cartoon Network, introduced gender ideology into their We Baby Bears cartoon with a spokesman for the show explaining, “During the production of We Baby Bears, a few crew members came out with they/them pronouns, and we felt that it was important to reflect that in the show.”

The spokesman added, “Our show team values representation because it’s something everybody on the show deeply cares about, and that’s why we aim to cast LGBTQ talent like Alok Vaid-Menon, Harvey Guillén, and Dominique Jackson.”

What do you make of DC Comics promoting homosexuality to children and calling those who oppose this disordered behavior bigots?

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