Dean Cain Opens Up About His Decision To Move From California To Nevada, Says The Golden State “Has Gone Crazy”

Dean Cain Interview - Home & Family via Hallmark Channel, YouTube

Dean Cain Interview - Home & Family via Hallmark Channel, YouTube

Dean Cain, best known for playing the Big Blue in the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, has recently opened up about his decision to move states, leaving Hollywood behind for Nevada.

Dean Cain as Superman and Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Season 3 Episode 5 “Just Say Noah” (1995), Warner Bros. Television

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In a recent interview with The Messenger, Cain listed a handful of reasons why he felt compelled to leave California. Unsurprisingly, much of it comes down to the blue state’s policies that disagree with the actor’s own views.

“I had to leave California,” he told the outlet, elaborating, “California has gone crazy in a sense. There’s been so much. Look at the taxation. Look at the regulations. Look at the silly laws that have been passed.”

Side by Side with Dean Cain via High Point University, YouTube

Cain noted, “There were things that I didn’t agree with, and I’ve been voting here and living here and working here my entire life. I finally got to a place where I was like, I don’t agree with this.”

Drawing stark comparisons with California, the actor went over the reasons why moving to Nevada has been such a life-changing decision, specifically pointing out, “It’s a big savings.”

Dean Cain via GoodLifeTV, YouTube

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“So much of it made sense. I’m so happy,” Cain disclosed. “It’s so much easier to travel places from Las Vegas than from LAX. It’s incredible. It’s the quietest place I’ve ever slept in my life.”

He explained, “When I got here and saw traffic, I was like, ‘What is this foreign substance? I don’t like it anymore.’ I don’t deal with that at all. It’s great.”

Cain reveals that moving out of Hollywood is not really an issue in regards to his career, noting, “People don’t want to [shoot in L.A.],” and adding that “It costs too much, there’s too many restrictions.”

Trump, Gosnell, Superman, & LGBT Rights: Dean Cain Joins Larry King via Larry King, YouTube

This isn’t the first time the Superman actor has openly criticised the current state of Hollywood and its dubious practices; specifically naming the particular phenomenon that is cancel culture. In October of last year, Cain disclosed that a handful of people in Hollywood lean towards the political right but are afraid to express their views because they are afraid of being cancelled.

“There are lots of people who are conservative in Hollywood; they just don’t get any recognition,” said the openly conservative actor. “They don’t get talked to and they certainly don’t speak up for fear of being cancelled, and I understand that.”

RELATED: Former ‘Superman’ Actor Dean Cain Calls Out Cancel Culture And Hollywood’s Hypocrisy: “If They Disagree With Your Political Leanings They Don’t Want You To Work”

The Superman actor would even reveal that aspiring actors who embrace conservative ideas have reached out to him asking for advice. “[Younger actors] quietly come to me all the time and they go, ‘Hey, man, I love what you have o say [and] I agree 100%, I just can’t say anything because I want to work,’ and I understand that.”

“For me, I’m of a certain age, my kid is 22 now, I have travelled the world, I’ve seen so much that I feel remiss to not speak my mind,” he asserted.

Mark Wahlberg on his Catholic faith, Fr. Stu, & working with Mel Gibson via Pints With Aquinas, YouTube

Much like Cain, fellow actor Mark Wahlberg also made the decision to exit the Golden State and move to the Silver State instead, explaining, “I moved to Nevada where after this gubernatorial election, hopefully it will go to legislation and get a bill passed so we can get tax credit for the state — build a state-of-the-art studio here and make this Hollywood 2.0.”

“I want to be able to work from home,” Wahlberg continued. “I moved to California many years ago to pursue acting and I’ve only made a couple of movies in the entire time that I was there. So, to be able to give my kids a better life and follow and pursue their dreams whether it be my daughter as an equestrian, my son as a basketball player, my younger son as a golfer, this made a lot more sense for us.”

Victor “Sully” Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) and Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) look to make their move in Columbia Pictures’ UNCHARTED. photo by: Clay Enos

RELATED: ‘Uncharted’ Star Mark Wahlberg Reveals He Moved From California To Nevada “To Be Able To Give My Kids A Better Life”

Ultimately, the actor simply explained that the decision to move states was prompted by his desire to “just kind of give ourselves a new look, a fresh start for the kids, and there’s lot of opportunity here,” further noting that he is “really excited about the future.”

Similarly, comedian Rob Schneider has also made the decision to move out of California, choosing Arizona specifically because he’s “had it with the Democratic Party.”

Rob Schneider: Asian Momma, Mexican Kids (2020), Netflix

“I don’t want the Democratic Party trying to run my life,” Schneider confessed as he addressed former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s decision to leave the Democratic Party in October of 2022. “There’s not one aspect of your life that they don’t want to interfere with. So I had it with them.”

He jokingly added, “I got out of California and moved to the ‘slightly freer’ state of Arizona,” explaining, “[California Governor Gavin Newsom] pushed me over the edge. I mean, it’s just like… I don’t think your life gets better [in California]. It gets worse.”

Rob Schneider in Daddy Daughter Trip (2022), Mandalini Pictures

Schneider also echoed Cain’s comments regarding cancel culture, and how it negatively affects actors who hold conservative views. “A lot of people that I’m friends with in Hollywood… they lean towards the Right, but they’re just scared of [cancel culture] because it really is like a mob of ideologues that, you feel, will attack you,” he said.

“And it’s really not necessarily based on anything, but it’s really like a religious architecture in their thinking,” Schneider concluded.

NEXT: Comedian Rob Schneider Is The Latest Hollywood Celebrity To Flee From California: “I Don’t Want The Democratic Party Trying To Run My Life”

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