Mark Hamill Pushes Anti-Gun Rhetoric Following University Of Nevada Shooting: “Ban Assault Weapons Now”

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has used his influence to push for a ban on “assault weapons” following the recent shooting in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) — a tragedy that left three professors dead and one faculty member injured on Wednesday last week.

The infamously woke actor made these comments in a video shared by the Newton Action Alliance gun control group as part of the 11th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence, wherein Hamill offered his condolences to the families of those who were killed in Nevada and further pushed his anti-gun rhetoric.
“Hello everyone, I’m Mark Hamill,” the actor prefaced. “I’m sorry I can’t be with you in person to share this message, but I wanted to express my deepest condolences for your losses do to the tragedy of gun violence in America.”
Hamill continued, “We are the greatest country in the world but we also have the greatest gun problem in the world; no other nation comes close.” The Star Wars actor would then proceed to lay out some questionable statistics.

“Nearly 50,000 Americans die from gun violence every year. And guns have become the number 1 killer of children and teens,” Hamill said.
Stumbling as he read from his script, the actor continued, “We need to end this public health crisis now,” further encouraging, “Ban assault weapons now. Enact universal background checks now. Pass red flag laws now.”

“It gives me great hope that you’re there in Capitol Hill trying to create change, and I thank each and every one of you for being there for honouring your loved ones by taking action to protect the lives of all Americans,” Hamill added.
Before concluding, he further asserted, “I know this work isn’t easy but you’re on the right side of history. And I’m beyond thankful for your efforts to end the scourge of gun violence in this nation. Thank you.”

Unsurprisingly, Hamill did not bother to check his facts, claiming that nearly “50,000 Americans die from gun violence every year,” when that’s not even close to the real number.
Further, Las Vegas Metro Police Department Sheriff Kevin McMahill also confirmed that UNLV shooter Anthony Polito used a 9mm Taurus PT92 handgun to commit the crime.

According to the CDC’s Mortality Data, via Pew Research, in 2021, the most recent year with complete data available, a total of 48, 830 people died from gun-related injuries in America. However, only 43% (20,958) of those gun-related deaths are attributed to murders, with the other 54% (26,328) being suicides and the remaining 3% (549) officially declared either accidental or related to law enforcement.
In October 2022, Breitbart News reports, the FBI released their Uniform Crime Report (UCR), which revealed that more people in America were beating to death than killed with rifles — otherwise known as assault weapons — showing that 447 people had been killed with rifles and 461 were killed with “personal weapons” like hands, fist, legs, and so on.

Hamill would also share the video to his own profile on X, which prompted the response of other users, with some taking issue with the actor’s push for a ban on “assault weapons” and others pointing out his hypocrisy.
“The greatest gun problems come from governments that ban guns,” noted @beinglibertarian, adding, “We don’t have a gun problem. We have a moral problem.”

X user @sparty8607 asserted, “Everyone should own a gun. Open carry everywhere.”
Alluding to Hamill’s most iconic character, Luke Skywalker, the user would then go on to illustrate how the young rebel was able to stand up against the Galactic Empire, rhetorically inquiring, “Did that help Luke?”

“America was built on the right to self-defense,” pointed out political cartoonist George Alexopoulos. “Every household should have at least one gun, like a basic utility.”

“You just get more and more insufferable with age,” asserted @design2live, further lamenting, “I miss when you were just the ‘cool jedi dude’. Sigh…”

Pointing out Hamill’s hypocrisy in his incessant anti-gun stance, @daverandla shared an picture of the actor being escorted by his guards, writing, “Does this mean you’ll be giving up your armed bodyguards for you and YOUR family? If not, why should I give up mine?”
“It is as if you’re saying: ‘my guns? These are not the guns you’re looking for,'” the X user mocked, alluding to one of the famous quotes from Star Wars.

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