Pokémon GO New Year’s 2023 Event Guide: Spawns, Raids, And More!

There’s no rest at the end of the year, trainers! Here’s a thorough guide for the upcoming Pokémon GO New Year’s 2023 Event.

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How better to work off that Christmas dinner and way too many chocolates than some light exercise? Once again, Niantic is hosting a special Pokémon GO event for the turning of the year, with the New Year’s 2023 Event offering new things to catch and raids to battle in.
You haven’t got long, as the event will be held from December 31st, 8:00 p.m (local time) through January 4th, 2023, 8:00 p.m — so you don’t need to charge around on New Year’s Eve itself.
Spawns, Eggs, and Collection Challenges
There aren’t too many new spawns for the event, but they do add to the ever-increasing number of Pokémon with hats. This time we have Pikachu with a party top hat, Hoothoot with a top hat and bow-tie, and Wurmple with a party hat.
The Pikachu is brand-new, and all three of the above can be shiny. What’s more, the Hoothoot can now evolve into a Noctowl with New Year’s clothes — providing you have 50 Hoothoot candy, that is.
Further, your Eggs have a chance to hatch into several iconic babies — namely Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Azurill, Wynaut, and a Pichu wearing a party hat. All of the aforementioned can also be shiny.
While there are Collection Challenges promised, we don’t know what these are in advance. Typically, however, this involves catching each of the special spawns for the event. On occasion, it has also demanded players catch certain raid bosses.
However, we do know what some the rewards from Field Research tasks may be, thanks to the Pokémon GO official Twitter. Players will have a chance to catch a Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle with a Party Hat.

Raids, And How To Beat Reshiram and Mega Steelix
The fancy hats don’t just stop with wild encounters. Depending on the Star rating of the raid, you can get more fancy hats, and even a Legendary and Mega to ring in the New Year.
One-Star Raids will get you the aforementioned Pikachu and Hoothoot in their New Year’s duds, but also the Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in Party Hats. In Three-Star raids, you can find Raticate, Nidorio, Gengar, and Wobbuffet all ready to party.

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The special Five-Star Raid for this event is Reshiram. Your best bet is to use Rock and Ground-Types, and Dragon-Type moves; actual Dragon-Type Pokémon will take extra damage from Reshiram’s Dragon attacks as well! Avoid using Grass, Ice, or Bug-Types against it. Along with having a slim chance of being shiny, it can also come with the move Fusion Flare.
For Mega Raids, you’ll be looking at Mega Steelix. You’re best using Fighting, Ground, and Water-Types, along with Fire-Type moves. Again, Fire-Type Pokémon deal super-effective damage, but would take super-effective damage from Steelix’ Rock and Ground-Type attacks. Steer your Electric, Rock, Fairy, Poison, Flying, and Ice-Types clear as well.

Avatar Items, Stickers, and Event Bonuses
Along with the Pikachu Party Hat and Party Popper Pose being available in the store (even after the event ends!) you can also nab some Pikachu, Hoothoot, Noctowl, and Wurmple New Year’s stickers from PokéStops.
New Year’s 2023 also sees two Event Bonuses. Eggs put into an Incubator during the event will only need half the distance walked to hatch, while those using the Pokémon GO Egg hatching widget will find the first three eggs hatching during the event will require only a 1/4 of the distance! Keep in mind these bonuses do not stack.

Have a great 2023, Pokémon GO trainers!
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