The Lord Of The Rings Rumor Claims To Reveal More Details About Isildur, Amazon Studios Will Introduce Original Character As His Sister

A brand new rumor regarding Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings series provides more details about Isildur’s role in the show as well as claiming that they will be introducing an original character in his sister.

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This rumor comes from the Fellowship of Fans Twitter account, who previously reported that Isildur would be one of the main characters of Amazon Studios’ The Lord of the Rings series that will take place in the Second Age.
Back in October they reported, “ISILDUR will be one of the main characters from around episode 3 onwards in the upcoming Amazon ‘Lord of the Rings’ TV series after 6 months of investigation.”
“At last, welcome (partly) to the *late* Second Age,” they added.

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At the time they didn’t reveal many details about Isildur’s role in the show only claiming, “He has the weight of the world on his shoulders, so must feel an old soul…”

Now, they have provided a new update with some real plot details. However, they also announced that Amazon will be introducing a character named Carine played by Ema Horvath who will be Isildur’s sister, a new character created for the show. Isildur did not have a sister as written by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fellowship of Fans tweeted, “Ema Horvath is playing ‘Carine’, Isildur’s sister, which is an Amazon original character in the upcoming ‘The Lord of the Rings’ TV Show.”

The scoopers then went on to reveal, “Isildur will voluntarily join the Numenor army setting sail for Middle-Earth.”

They also noted that he “has 3 friends ‘Nolion, Valandil, Ontamo’ being played by (in no particular order) Anthony Crum, Alex Tarrant, and one other.”
“All 3 of Isildur’s friends volunteer to join the army with him and this scene is known as the ‘I will serve’ scene,” Fellowship of Fans adds.

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From there they detailed a bit of Isildur’s relationship with his sister claiming, “Isildur’s sister (Carine) doesn’t want Isildur joining the army. There is said to be one emotional scene where she chases Isildur through the Numenorean crowd yelling ‘Isil, isil, isilduurrr.'”

They explain this cry of Isildur will sound similar to Elrond yelling his name in the Fellowship of the Ring prologue.
The Fellowship of Fans tweeted, “According to sources, the way Carine says ‘Isildurr’ closely resembles how Elrond yells ‘Isildurrrr’ in the FoTR prologue.
“However, it is not clear whether this was intentional or just an interesting similarity/ coincidence,” they added.

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Finally, they revealed a scene description that reads, “The scene in the streets is a big parade, the Cavalry army marches through the town led by the City Guards, people are singing and shouting and throwing flowers at the soldiers. Isildur is dressed in the cavalry armour.”

As referenced by the Fellowship of Fans, Isildur plays a prominent role at the end of the Second Age. He takes up the shards of his father’s sword, Narsil, and cuts the Ruling Ring from Sauron’s hand and takes the ring as his own.
As viewers of Peter Jackson’s adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings know, Isildur refuses to destroy the Ruling Ring. He would perish in an Orc ambush in the Misty Mountains as he traveled south toward Eriador to take up his father’s realm.
As he attempted to flee, he would use the Ruling Ring that makes him invisible. However, the Ring betrayed him and slipped off his finger as he fled into the river. The Orcs were able to easily pick him off, filling him with a flood of arrows.

While Isildur would eventually succumb to the temptation of the Ring, he was a legendary figure before he cut the Ruling Ring from Sauron’s hand.
As detailed in The Silmarillion, and as noted above, Isildur is the son of Elendil, and a descendant of one of the Men who rejected Morgoth and fled West and eventually settled in Númenor or Andor, the Land of Gift.
That land would eventually fall under the sway of Sauron who manipulated the King of Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn, to begin worshiping Melkor or Morgoth.

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However, while Sauron’s grip began tightening around Ar-Pharazôn, Isildur would steal a piece of fruit from the White Tree, Nimloth the Fair, that was a “memorial of the Eldar and of the light of Valinor.” Sauron had been attempting to get Ar-Pharazôn to chop it down.
Before it was chopped down, Isildur snuck into the city of Armenelos and stole a fruit from the tree. After acquiring the fruit, he would be assailed by a number of Sauron’s guards and received many wounds.
However, he would fight his way out of the city and eventually return to Rómenna, where the fruit was planted in secret and blessed by Amandil. When the new tree’s first leaf opened, Isildur was cured of his wounds he suffered in acquiring it.

Isildur would eventually escort the scion of Nimloth the Fair out of Númenor and he alongside his father and brother would flee to the shores of Middle-earth. There they founded four kingdoms.
Isildur and his brother Anárion eventually travelled up the Great River Anduin and founded Gondor. Isildur would specifically settle in Minas Ithil, where he planted the scion of Nimloth the Fair. He would rule the kingdom of Gondor jointly alongside his brother who settled in Minas Anor.
The White Tree of Isildur and Minas Ithil would eventually be destroyed by Sauron and his forces. But Isildur would escape with a seedling and flee with his wife and sons down the river.

What do you make of these latest rumors surrounding Isildur and his role in Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings series?
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