Gina Carano Calls Transition From Covid To War “A Scripted Reality Show Sacrificing Innocent Lives For Unquenchable Greed”

Terror on the Prairie and The Mandalorian actress Gina Carano put out a bold statement describing the transition from Covid to war as a “scripted reality show.”

Carano shared her thoughts on Twitter, first stating, “The moment they lost control of the covid narrative. Cue a war. Straight from one crisis to the next.”
“A scripted reality show sacrificing innocent lives for unquenchable greed,” she added.
Carano then stated, “Endless power grabs. No accountability. Devastated econmies.”
Finally, she concluded, “Never give up freedom for fear.”

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Accompanying this, Carano shared an image that reads, “The government has caused suicides, bankruptcy, overdoses, domestic abuse, delayed thousands of life saving surgeries, psychologically damaged generations of kids, and stole 2 years of freedom from everyone. Dropping the mandates isn’t enough.”

In a follow-up tweet, Carano shared a clip of a video interview with former The Telegraph cartoonist Bob Moran.
In the clip Moran states, “If you lock people in their homes, if you shut down frontline healthcare, if you introduce a situation where mental health goes through the roof, where your drive people to suicide, where you destroy their businesses, where you put them into extreme poverty, you make them homeless, you implement measures as a government, you take that direct action that does those things, it will kill people. It has killed people. It will go on killing people for the next 10, 20 years.”
He continues, “Now, the government itself commissioned a report into the effects of the first lockdown, which said around 200,000 people could die over the following ten years as a result of that first lockdown. It was on the front pages of the newspapers. It was on the front page of The Telegraph. That was later revised up to 500,000 people.”

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“And the way it was reported was to say, ‘Oh there’s a chance that lockdown might kill more people than the virus.’ That was such an irresponsible way to report it,” Moran declares.
He offers an example to how it should have been reported, “What they should have said was, ‘Our government is prepared to murder 200,000 people to control the spread of a respiratory virus.’ If they had reported it like that, if that had been the headline on BBC News, people would have woken up to what was going on and they would have said, ‘This is wrong.'”
“But there’s this idea that it’s to do with a balance of numbers. ‘Oh well as long as the virus kills more people that’s ok.’ It’s not about numbers. This doesn’t come down to numbers,” he asserts.

He goes on, “Ethically speaking, what lockdown means is that your government is prepared to kill this group of people over here, and it knows that they will die, okay?”
“These claims that, ‘Oh no they couldn’t possibly have known. It’s collateral damage. Oh, it was an accident.’ No, they knew because they told us. We’re going to murder these people over here because we think, we don’t even know, it’s a hunch, that this other group over here won’t get a respiratory virus,” the clip concludes.
— Gina Carano 🕯 (@ginacarano) February 26, 2022
RELATED: Gina Carano Responds To Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Order: “Do Not Comply”
Carano has vociferously spoken out against Covid lockdowns as well as vaccine mandates.
Back in November, Carano responded to President Joe Biden’s order requiring businesses to have their employees vaccinated or go through weekly testing. An order that was eventually struck down by the United States Supreme Court.
Carano responded tweeting an image that reads, “Your body does not belong to your employer, your school or your government.”

She then shared a photo of herself from the set of Terror on the Prairie with the words “Do Not Comply” written across her arms.
Accompanying the photo she wrote, “‘Two weeks to flatten the curve.’ #DoNotComply.”

RELATED: Gina Carano Warns About Surrendering Freedoms After President Joe Biden’s New Vaccine Mandate
Carano had also previously warned about surrendering freedoms following a speech President Joe Biden gave announcing his plan to have businesses with over 100 employees vaccinated or go through weekly testing.
She shared an image to Twitter that read, “The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your grandchildren will never know existed.”

In July 2021, she spoke out against lockdowns tweeting, “The best time to have spoken up about these draconian lockdowns would have been when they locked us down.”
She continued, “The second best time wouldn’t been ANYTIME since they locked us down.”
“The third best time would be… NOW. Don’t let this go on,” she concluded.

What do you make of Carano’s assertion that the power that be have now transitioned to a war given their narrative on Covid has fallen apart?
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