Rumor: Godzilla vs. Kong Extended Lore Seemingly Teases MonsterVerse Arrival of SpaceGodzilla

It’s likely that Legendary Pictures’ MonsterVerse will surely continue in one way or another, and when it does, the next monster set to throw down with Godzilla or Kong may be one of the former’s most powerful foes of all time.

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In a recent video, YouTube kaiju pundits and news breakers DangerVille laid out how the extended lore of Godzilla vs. Kong, which goes beyond what was seen on screens big and small, hints at the existence and potential arrival of the crystallized Godzilla clone, SpaceGodzilla, in the MonsterVerse.
Their first piece of evidence is a cave painting in the Hollow Earth, which while unseen in any film, shows up in the Godzilla vs. Kong: One Will Fall: The Art of the Ultimate Battle Royale art book from Legendary Press.
The cave painting in question shows a tribe of Kongs – axes in hand – helping members of Godzilla’s species take down a flying blue Titan that’s coming down from the sky.
While described as another of Godzilla’s clan, whatever it is doesn’t appear to represent the natural order and is so powerfully dangerous to the planet that the respective species of both Kong and Godzilla had to put all differences aside to focus their combined might in taking it out.

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Alternatively, it could be King Ghidorah, who has the same reputation, but another key piece of undiscussed lore suggests otherwise and alludes even further to SpaceGodzilla’s impending arrival.
In the novelization of Godzilla vs Kong, Jia shares a story passed down by her Iwi tribe of a Godzilla who “ate a star” and mutated, growing stronger and evil.
According to DangerVille, in order to figuratively eat a star, the creature probably absorbed too much energy at one time from the power source in the Hollow Earth. As a result, it became unrecognizable, jagged with crystals, eventually turning on its own kind and everything on Earth.

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Ultimately, the united forces of both tribes of kaiju, as well as any human allies that may have been involved, might have been enough to destroy this evolved Godzilla – or they may not have defeated it at all. SpaceGodzilla could have also simply retreated, meaning it’s possible that it may still be out there somewhere in outer space, biding his time until an impactful return.
Leaving the door open more than a crack for that outcome, this bit of lore and speculation change SpaceGodzilla’s origin quite a bit from his original appearance.
Previously, SpaceGodzilla was borne after Godzilla cells fell into a black hole and emerged on the other end a bulky nightmare. Now, he’s tied to the Hollow Earth now and its various unanswered mysteries.

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This could be the beginning of Legendary’s exploration of this portion of their mythos, which if properly tackled, ought to carry on into future movies. Earlier this year, GVK screenwriter Max Borenstein implied that things he can’t talk about are in motion behind the scenes, while director Adam Wingard is reportedly attached to a new project that’s either a Son of Kong re-adaptation or something else Kong-related.
Kong vs. SpaceGodzilla? Not likely, unless he has backup. As such, for the giant ape himself, the grounding of this theory no doubt comes as a fortunate turn of events – for now, at least.

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But what say you? Do you predict SpaceGodzilla will touch down and massacre the MonsterVerse or is that something you’d like to see? Tell usyour thoughts on social media or in the comments down below!.
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