Screen Rant And Mark Ruffalo Call For Change To IMDb Ratings System Following ‘She-Hulk’ Controversy, Forget Marvel Is Not Entitled To Good Reviews For Mediocre Superhero Content

Source: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 Episode 1 "A Normal Amount of Rage" (2022), Marvel Entertainment

Source: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 Episode 1 "A Normal Amount of Rage" (2022), Marvel Entertainment

In the mind of progressive ideologues, no one is allowed to have the opinion that the first episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law was woke and derivative garbage.

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The backlash to the Jade Giantess’ “must-she-series” has become the latest ’cause du jour’ for liberal outlets who no longer care to hold multinational mega corporations accountable for their missteps, but wish to help them silence any critic who stands in the way of billion-dollar properties.

Earlier this week, corporate shill site Screen Rant issued a call to action demanding that the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) rig its user voting system to disallow reviews of movies and television shows prior to their general release in order to combat negative reviews.

In a piece entitled She-Hulk’s Review Bombing Proves IMDb’s Biggest Ratings Problem, the site argued that the “review bombing” of She-Hulk with 1- and 10- star reviews, but particularly the former, “unnecessarily clouds the picture of audience reactions for fans trying to determine whether to watch the series, and this may ultimately drive users to seek different sources, damaging IMDb’s credibility.”

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“The current IMDb policy leaves the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as women and BIPOC working in film and television particularly vulnerable to unnecessary vitriol and harassment,” argued staff writer De’Vion Hinton. “As early IMDb scores become controversial, many outlets and fans look to either confirm the legitimacy of these negative assumptions or validate the excitement of positive assumptions without discussing the actual show on its own merits. 

The piece was later shared to Twitter by She-Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo, who in doing so highlighted Hinton’s assertion that “The rise in bad-faith IMDb reviews, particularly for projects led by women and/or BIPOC, threatens to render the site’s scores meaningless if the problem is not addressed.”

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Let’s stop here.

The concept of “review bombing”, which has had its baseline definition of ‘any concerted effort to change a production’s review scores’ warped by progressives to now be ‘any negative reaction to a project that bank heavily on far-left ideologies’, first gained mainstream popularity in 2019 when it was adopted as a short-hand term to dismiss any negative criticism of Captain Marvel.

In fact, largely in part to this shield, star Brie Larson – a woman who once told white male film critics not to give an opinion on movies that were not “made for them” – went on to become both the artificial poster child of the female superhero movement and the one person that the media had to protect at any cost.

All because some white men – ignoring the numerous other identities who shared their opinion – didn’t like her superhero movie.

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In turn, every shill media outlet in the country from Esquire to ScreenRant demanded that Rotten Tomatoes take immediate action to prevent angry men from leaving negative reactions to the film.

At the first sign of this media pressure, the site folded like the 2004 New York Yankees and implemented a “New Audience Rating System” which made it harder for viewers to leave feedback and purged bad reviews from the site.

Taking notice of the fact that Rotten Tomatoes had given the intersectional enemies of free speech their first scalp, many users found their trust in the site’s ability to host honest reviews compromised and left the site all together.

Eventually a large portion of them found an alternative in IMDb, which now thanks to Marvel stans and shills’ inability to imagine that someone may not like their golden goose, has found itself facing down the barrell of leftists’ rainbow colored guns.

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And if you haven’t been paying attention, IMDb will almost certainly fold.

It may not be tomorrow, it may not even be at the end of She-Hulk‘s first season, but inevitably IMDb will either change or outright remove their rating system, just like they did with their message boards years ago.

Hell, even Netflix removed their user ratings once everyone realized just how unfunny Amy Schumer was – and its a good thing for their own appearances that they did.

Can you imagine the 1-star ratings that Hannah Gadsby would have gotten if people could actually voice their opinions?

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Even if IMDb folds like a lawn chair in South Beach, this will not stop the media vultures from calling for more censorship.

This isn’t protecting black people, or trans people, or women from harassment. This is all about protecting the power dynamic that major corporations have over you.

What corporations want is guaranteed success, which is why they work so hard in crafting and controlling public opinion.

When the media tells you that a film like The Last Jedi is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with 91% of mainstream critics giving it rave reviews, they are attempting to deny the existence of the contingency of moviegoers who are supposedly only 42% positive about the film, as their existence alone would prove that the narrative was false.

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To this end, when Screenrant wrote their article crying about the amount of 1-star reviews given to She-Hulk, they didn’t make an equal stink about the 10-star review bombing the show had received in that same time period because acknowledging the truth would have threatened their framing of the situation.

Progressive critics and their ideological allies within various multinational corporations believe that they are entitled to positive reactions to the derivative content that they produce.

They believe that they are entitled to your support and your money.


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Let’s make this clear.

You are not entitled to positive feedback. You are not entiteld to good reviews. And you are not entitled to silencing other people’s opinions just because they’re at odds with those approved by your corporate overlords.

If a large portion of the online community thinks that She-Hulk is a terrible TV show, so what?

If you want to shut those people up, make a better television show instead of living under the belief that society is the problem that needs to change and be silenced and not you.

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Now more than ever power-hungry progressives are on an all-out mission to control public thought. It didn’t stop with Rotten Tomatoes and it won’t stop on IMDb.

Letterboxd has already proven that they’ll silence you if you have an opinion they don’t like.

Try leaving a negative review of She-Hulk on Reddit and see how fast you are banned from the platform.

Next, you won’t be allowed to have an opinion on Metacritic – because we all know that they’re going to be the next target.

Progressives love to be the first ones to claim that people who don’t like their content have fragile egos and can’t handle strong and diverse characters, but this is just them projecting their own insecurities on to their political enemies as a coping mechansim.

The reality is that nobody goes to the lengths they do to silence, shut down, and hide any public opinion that they don’t like.

After all, when mainstream critics trashed Chris Pratt’s The Terminal List for being a “deranged right-wing revenge fantasy”, Tucker Carlson didn’t call for rating systems to be changed or review criteria to be reevaluated.

NEXT: ‘She-Hulk’ Head Writer Jessica Gao Claims Series Declines To Address The Blip Because “People Have Already Moved On” From It, ‘Ant-Man 3’ Plot Says Otherwise

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