Rosanna Arquette Becomes The Latest Hollywood Celebrity To Openly Support Cancel Culture

Woke Hollywood actor and left-wing activist Rosanna Arquette has recently made some interesting comments on her personal Twitter account, revealing that she is now part of the very extensive club of celebrities that supports cancel culture.

Arquette declared her support on Monday, stating that “If cancel culture means canceling racists and companies that fund anyone who works to suppress the votes of Americans I’m all for it.”

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A few examples of the above can actually be found on the comment section of Rosanna Arquette’s tweet in support of cancel culture.

Twitter user @UlrichMinky schools fellow snowflakes stating, “It is actually consequence culture,” and going on to add that “Cancel culture is when racists feel the least bit uncomfortable being racist.” 

Related: Star Trek Actor LeVar Burton Defends Cancel Culture, Believes It Has Been “Misnamed” And Suggests Renaming It To “Consequence Culture”

This “consequence culture” is a politically correct term that has been gaining a lot of traction amongst woke social justice warriors in general, to the point they now attribute cancel culture to a concept only used by “fascists” and “racists.”

Another user even admitted that he initially didn’t like the fact that cancel culture existed, until eventually he followed the yellow brick road and realised that it was getting things done.

“I didn’t like it at first,” user @mikehartoon expressed. “But I admit, cancel culture is getting done what our leaders are too [chicken][poop] to do.”

He then added, “So, I applaud the younger generation for finding an effective non violent voice and forcing necessary and overdue changes. In truth, they’re making up for our mistakes.”


“I think of cancel culture as cancel Cults,” another user added in reply to Arquette’s tweet.

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Another Twitter activist claimed that “cancel culture” is actually a right-wing term, and proceeded to explain that leftists ‘obviously’ have a better term for it.

“On the right, they call it ‘cancel culture,'” user @donkey_war asserted, adding that, “Here on the left, we just call it good sense.”

The tweet continued, ”  If it’s bigoted, if it’s antidemocratic, if it’s sexist…it has no place in America,” and concluded with the hashtags #Resist and #Remove, and the self-referrential #wardonkey  — all in good measure, of course.

A rather confusing tweet by user @BassProShops stated that “I’d agree if people didn’t try and ruin the careers and lives of people for much more trivial things.”

The user then added, “When people are losing everything they’ve worked for because of comments or jokes that are years old and don’t reflect them anymore, I think that’s terrible.”

Related: Conservative Actor Kevin Sorbo Opens Up About Cancel Culture And Hollywood Ostracising Conservative Artists For Their Political Views

Ruining people’s careers and lives is basically what cancel culture is all about – you either agree with it or you don’t.

Given that this user’s tweet sent mixed signals, it was assumed to be because because they didn’t fully understand the concept, or possibly that they are only trying to hold some sort of moral high ground. If only they had expanded on their thoughts…Oh.

“Never gonna forgive conservatives for calling everything they disagree with ‘cancel culture and making the word meaningless now even though it’s a genuine issue,'” @BassProShopsUS wrote in a later tweet.

Mystery solved.

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“‘Cancel culture’ is a false flag,” explained user @ytooooj, as they attempted to shed some light on this particular term. “What it really means is that people and companies are held responsible for what they say and what they do.”

Related: Upcoming Spider-Woman Director Olivia Wilde Attacked On Social Media By The Cancel Culture Mob After Comparing Changing Careers To “Coming Out Of The Closet”

Thankfully, some common sense was provided by Twitter user @TheBogsOfficial, who called out Arquette’s hypocrisy and went on to explain, “No, it means making false accusations about anyone who you don’t agree with, and consistently contradicting your own ideals.” 

Common sense time is over, however, as Twitter user @langbdang openly declared that when it came to the moral standards of cancel culture, there’s no grey area – you are either with them or against them.

“‘Wokeness’, ‘political correctness’, and ‘Cancel culture’ are all really just terms for human decency” explained the user. “When people are against any of them, it tells you all you need to know about them.”

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“It’s an abused catch all term meaning that anything or anyone who holds the Rs[Republicans] responsible is unacceptable,” asserted Twitter user @LittleWoods16.

Before Arquette, the most recent Hollywood celebrity to show support for cancel culture was Star Trek actor LeVar Burton, who even expressed that the term had been misnamed, asserting that the term should be renamed to ‘consequence culture’ instead.

Rosanna Arquette may want to stop calling it “cancel culture” if she wants to keep holding that woke moral high ground, as her followers are already using the new, wokier, and more politically correct “consequence culture” term.

What do you make of Rosanna Arquette’s comments in support of cancel culture? Let us know in the comments section down below or on social media.

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