Wonder Woman Actress Lynda Carter Throws Support Behind Modern Gender Ideology, Claims That “Trans Women Are Wonder Women”

Former Wonder Woman actress Lynda Carter has apparently opted to publicly throw her support behind contemporary gender ideology, claiming in a recent Tweet that transgender women aren’t just women, but “Wonder Women.”
“Trans women are Wonder Women. End of story,” the actress fervently asserted on Twitter.

Carter’s tweet isn’t surprising in the slightest, especially after taking a good look at the content she shares on social media, which constantly panders to the the insufferably woke left-wing mob.
However, the actress’ tweet also comes off as hypocritical, considering that in April of this year she was seen ecstatically promoting the equally woke Female Founded, Female Led (FFFL) organisation.
“Real wonder women are all around us! Check out these superheroes for #NationalSuperheroDay,” wrote Carter whilst sharing a tweet from the organisation made in support of businesses founded exclusively by women.

As per FFFL’s official website, the movement aims to “highlight and support female-founded, female-led companies.” The organisation also shares the claim that “women comprise more than 50% of the US population,” subsequently proposing the question, “why don’t women make up 50% of leadership roles?”
According to a study conducted by data technology company Knoema, as of 2020, “male to female ratio for United States of America was 97.95 males per 100 females”. The open data platform also makes clear that this percentage equates to the “number of male births per one female birth.”
Keeping that in mind, the Female Founded, Female Led organisation would only support businesses founded and led by individuals who are biologically female. In other words, it excludes males who identify as female – a principle which completely contradicts Carter’s support for trans women.

Just last month, the woke actress formally announced that she was “proud to announce that I am a founding member of the @Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum advisory council alongside many incredible women, like @BillieJeanKing, @toryburch & @jeancase,” asking her followers to support her new project.
Will Carter also be excluding the transgender women she is now seemingly pandering to? Unlikely, but she should probably do her due diligence before supporting organisations that could seemingly undermine her undefined woke stances.

Carter also openly supports the LGBTQ+ community and can be seen constantly pandering to this particularly woke demographic on social media, due in part to the influence the Wonder Woman character has had amongst the group’s members.
“I have always loved hearing from fans in the LGBTQ+ community who were encouraged to be true to themselves because of Wonder Woman,” wrote Carter at the beginning of Pride Month in June. “It is always a delight to celebrate you! Happy Pride!”

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In fact, Carter herself also regularly uses Wonder Woman to promote woke events on social media.
“I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that young queer kids used to do the Wonder Woman spin when they were closeted,” read a post shared by the actress on “National Coming Out Day”.
She continued, “Whether you’re out and proud now or you’re still living with a secret identity, you are a superhero in my eyes.”

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In a tweet shared last year, Carter once again used her influence as a former Wonder Woman actress to advocate for the use of face masks in prevention against the coronavirus, promoting a children’s media project focused on a young superhero teaching children about the pandemic.
“I’m so excited about #PriyasMask, a book and animated short film project where India’s first female superhero, Priya, helps kids understand COVID-19, mental health, and the work of healthcare heroes during the pandemic,” wrote Carter.

Engaging in the ‘red flag’ meme which has flourished on social media in recent weeks, Carter also called out superhero fans who only like male characters.
“When all his favorite superheroes are men…”, she tweeted on October 13th, driving her point home with a GIF of herself as Wonder Woman.

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Given Carter’s history of social media posts, it is safe to assume that the former Wonder Woman actress has a preference when it comes to supporting males or females, unless that particular male identifies as another gender.
Mockingly quoting Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in response to rapper Nicki Minaj’s legitimate concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, Carter wrote back in September, “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

In a follow-up tweet, Carter wrote, “Yes I had to look up the whole quote. More importantly… #GetVaccinated!”
Surprisingly, Carter opted not to use a Wonder Woman reference when calling Minaj, making the fact that she only supports women when their opinions line up with her own all the more evident – not to mention the fact that she completely dismissed the rapper’s concerns.

Carter also supports the killing of unborn babies and is openly in favour of boycotting any pro-life states, a pair of beliefs which provide even more evidence that she is a hypocrite who doesn’t really care about human rights, .
Following the passing of the Texas Heartbeat Act (SB 8), Lynda Carter shared a tweet by infamous left-wing activist BrooklynDad_Defiant, in which he stated, “Raise your hand if you agree that every major company that supports Women’s right to choose should cease doing business with Texas.”

After the presidential inauguration in January of this year, the hypocrite actress congratulated President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming that “Today we can breathe a little easier, knowing the government is in wonderful and caring hands.”

Is Carter even aware that Joe Biden is responsible for the killing of 11 marines in Afghanistan due to his botched withdrawal of American troops back in August? Or the fact that there are still Americans who have not been evacuated from the now Taliban-led country?
We can only assume that the former Wonder Woman actress is oblivious of that fact, considering that not a single tweet regarding the Biden administration’s poor handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan can be found under her incessant number of virtue signalling posts.

She did wish Kamala Harris a happy birthday, though, sharing an image of the Democrat Vice President and heavily implying that she represents the values and morals that Wonder Woman stands for.
“Thinking of the amazing Madame @VP on her birthday,” wrote Carter, adding, “She is every bit as bold, smart, and kind as you’d expect.”
Of course, Carter’s birthday wish to Harris omits the fact that the VP has done nothing to address the global migration surge that currently overwhelms U.S. immigration authorities. Very Wonder Woman-like indeed.

What do you make of Carter’s recent comments? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below or on social media.
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