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October 26, 2015
Casey and April leave New York City and head out west to discover the secret of an ancient scroll. Their journey will test their relationship and test both of them individually. Will they be able to survive? How does it fare?
Book of Death: The Fall of X-O Manowar Variant Cover
October 22, 2015
Aric of Dacia has supposedly died and been buried in the same location as his grandfather, Alaric. However, the site has become a tourist attraction and drawn the ire of Commander Trill who aims to reclaim the legacy of Aric from “The False One.” What is the truth behind X-O Manowar’s death? How does it fare?
Back to the Future #1 Variant Cover
October 22, 2015
IDW brings us more 1980’s nostalgia filled fun, not only taking advantage of the adult market surge that is driving comics sales, but also some mighty timely synergy with the release date being the future date in which most of Back to the Future II infamously takes place. Adding to the mix, Bob Gale, the screenwriter of the films, is back to take the helm writing.
TMNT AA Preview Page
October 20, 2015
The Kraang have invaded Manhattan and have been rounding up people, destroying all hope. However, there was one who decided to stand up and bring the fight to the Kraang. Will he be able to liberate the city or will he too fall to the Kraang? How does it fare?
Book of Death #4 Variant Cover by Mico Suayan
October 20, 2015
Tama and The Eternal Warrior have discovered the location of the Corrupted One and have set out to confront him. Will they be able to defeat him or will the Book of the Geomancer’s final prophecy become reality? How does it fare?
Voltron from the Ashes #2 Cover
October 20, 2015
The Monks of Arus continue their training exercises in preparation for a time of war that will soon be upon them as Haggar has allied herself with the Ra’Hraaag! Will Voltron be able save the galaxy once again? How does it fare?
Danger Girl: Renegade #2 Cover
October 20, 2015
Abbey Chase continues to hunt down rare artifacts as she hopes to acquire enough money to begin her real goal: finding her Dad. However, her recent escapades are beginning to draw the wrong kind of attention. Will she be able to even start her search for her Dad? How does it fare?
Spider-Man 2099 #1 Variant Cover by Rick Leonardi
October 17, 2015
[easyazon_link identifier=”B015NSFSC8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Spider-Man 2099 #1[/easyazon_link] opens up with Miguel giving a very public display of his physical abilities in a mock up of American Ninja Warrior. We see he is back with Tempest, a romantic interest who had previously turned into a giant killer wasp creature and tried to kill him… but apparently, she is better.
John Carter Warlord of Mars Preview Page
October 16, 2015
Helium has been captured and Dejah Thoris imprisoned by an invading alien force known as the Kahori led by an old rival of John Carter’s that is bent on revenge. Will John Carter be able to free Helium and rescue his princess or will John Carter and Barsoom fall? How does it fare?
Red Sonja / Conan #3 Preview Page
October 15, 2015
Red Sonja and Conan’s army lay defeated. However, the two heroes continue to fight on, infiltrating Kal’Ang’s palace and fighting their way to the top encountering a number of enhanced creatures. Will they be able to stop Kal’Ang or will his Blood Root elixir prove too much for the likes of Red Sonja and Conan? How does it fare?